Thursday, September 3, 2015


We have a couple videos to share this week. The first is another "Week-in-Review" with activities from several classes. The week-in-review videos are always of songs, games, and movement activities that are a "work in progress". Students also use these videos to review and comment on what they have done and how they can improve.

The Grade 1/2 Class saw last week's video of Grades 3-8 performing "Hello to All the Children of the World" and asked, "Can we record a video of that, too?" Eventually, I hope to have video of each class performing all or part of this great song.

In music, we are focusing on TEAMWORK, the Hero-Theme-of-the-Month. Students are working in pairs or groups through song-games like, "Clickety Clack", "Lemonade", "Long-Legged Sailor", and "Rig-a-Jig-Jig".

In library, we are encouraging each student to "Find Your Hero" by designing their hero on a template, which we will use for our "Tree of Knowledge" presentation. Look for that in the coming weeks.


Below are the PRIS Music & Drama performances for this school year. We hope that in releasing these dates ahead of time, all students will be here and available for the performances:

Thursday, December 10- Holiday Concert (all students)

Thursday, March 10 & Friday, March 11- Spring Musical- "The Wizard of Oz" (all students in grades 3-8)

Wednesday, April 20- PRIS Evening of the Arts (all students' art, grades PreK-2 performance)

Wednesday, June 1- The PRIS Factor (all students)

Look for more posts, videos, recordings, and resources on the blog and PRIS Music & Library YouTube page (and subscribe!) and feel free to share with families. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram.

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