Thursday, September 10, 2015


We have four videos to share this week. The first two are the Pre-K and Kindergarten class jumping on the Hello to All the Children of the World bandwagon.

The third is a work-in-progress practice video of the PRIS Grade 1/2 Class learning a teamwork-oriented hand-clapping folk song, Long-Legged Sailor. Clapping and body percussion are the first steps to instruments!

The fourth video is our week-in-review, with short video clips from several classes, including the Kindergarten class transferring the Lemonade game to percussion instruments and the Grade 3-8 Choir singing partner songs in harmony for the first time in rehearsal.

Files are slowing being uploaded to two important Google Drive folders: Lyrics 2015-2016 and Recordings 2015-2016. These folders will be updated with songs, videos, and recordings to help students practice for performances, rehearse for auditions, or just have fun singing at home. This is in addition to lyric videos on the YouTube Page. The Grade 3/4 Class has a small, optional audition for an assembly song next Thursday and the songs are in this folder.

As part of at least one music class per week, students do yoga. In music, warming up the mind, body and voice is extremely important. Utilizing a Yoga for Kids and a Yoga for Singers curriculum, students do 1-3 poses to open the airways and prepare the body for music-making. This is in addition to a vocal, breathing, and rhythmic warm-up.

The Grade 1/2 Class demonstrates "triangle".
For "chair", the students sit in Papa Bear's, Mama Bear's and finally Baby Bear's chair.
"Frog" is many of our students' favorite pose.

The stamina for "downward-facing dog" has increased immensely, just in the first few weeks.
For "plank" we try to make our back flat, as if we are ready to do a push-up.
After "chataranga" the students take some deep breaths in crocodile. This is also a favorite ending pose.

Children of any age can practice yoga.

Animal sounds for "frog" can be a funny addition! Smiling in yoga is GREAT!
For the majority of our music time, students are singing, playing, and moving. We started our instrument curriculum in music class this week. The music theory and instrument lesson takes place once per week in a group setting. It is exploration-based and meant to give students an experience on a wide-variety of instruments.

"Ready position" and correct clave posture.
Claves, sand-blocks and more!

Rig-a-Jig-Jig singing game.
A talented student shows us his guitar skills.

In library, students began learning searching and browsing skills with technology for Grades 1 and up. Students can use Destiny Quest within the school building as a Goodreads-like platform with the ability to look-up books in the PRIS Library as well.


Below are the PRIS Music & Drama performances for this school year. We hope that in releasing these dates ahead of time, all students will be here and available for the performances:

Thursday, December 10- Holiday Concert (all students)

Thursday, March 10 & Friday, March 11- Spring Musical- "The Wizard of Oz" (all students in grades 3-8)

Wednesday, April 20- PRIS Evening of the Arts (all students' art, grades PreK-2 performance)

Wednesday, June 1- The PRIS Factor (all students)

Look for more posts, videos, recordings, and resources on the blog and PRIS Music & Library YouTube page (and subscribe!) and feel free to share with families. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram.

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