Thursday, January 14, 2016

Back At It

Welcome back! We've jumped right into the swing of things, here. Our video this week is is from Kindergarten. On Wednesday, they began two new units, "Classical in the Classroom" and "Rhyming Fun". Both will use theatre, art, movement and singing to study classical music and nursery rhymes.

Here are some pictures of them during the activities.

This week, all students also began their piano units, which will last until Spring Break. Students spend one day per week on piano. Since all of our students are at different levels, we will be working out of four levels of keyboard books, as well as in an iPad application to help learn rhythm, notation, and basic songs. Students who play piano already are welcome to bring in their own method books and music. If a student would like access to the iPad application at home, please let Ms. Megan know and she can provide login details.

In library, students begin writing in the responsibility and ownership thought bubbles, encouraging brainstorming on how we can take responsibility for our actions, both before and after mistakes, and ownership of our communities and environment. The students came up with some great ideas! We are also reading stories about responsibility and ownership.

Wizard of Oz rehearsals are well underway. This year, we have included a Middle School elective called "Behind the Scenes." The students work on sets, costumes, and props, encouraging them to take full ownership of the show. Each aspect is led by a different staff member. Thanks, in advance, to Ms. Siwicki for being our costume-master, Mrs. & Mr. Craig, for heading up our set crew, and Ms. Ellen, for being our propmaster. Further, Ibu Liest & Ibu Yanti will be taking on the roles of Assistant Directors and Stage Managers. This week, the students focused on finding costumes we could repurpose for different characters in the show.

Look for more posts, videos, recordings, and resources on the blog and PRIS Music & Library YouTube page (and subscribe!) and feel free to share with families. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram.

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