Thursday, April 9, 2015

Back At It

First, a little fun!

Students this week enjoyed one of this year's hottest dance songs at the end of each class. During this time, students are encouraged to free move and dance with the music, coming up with the most interesting and creative dance moves. Here are some clips!

Save the Date!

A Night of the Arts
All School Art Show, Silent Auction, Art Sale in conjunction with a short concert by the Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2 classes.

Wednesday, April 29
6:00 p.m.

All families are invited to attend.

Performers should meet outside the art room at 6:00 p.m. dressed in shorts, jeans, skirts or pants and a solid-colored shirt. Parents can then proceed to the silent auction.

In music, Pre-K to Grade 2 has been preparing for their short concert on April 29, still spending at least one day working on the piano. Pre-K classes transitioned to the keyboards this week, learning Mary Had a Little Lamb using colored notation that matches both the stickers on the keyboard and their bell sets. Many students were successful in learning the first two measures of the song.

Grades Kindergarten to 4 are working partly on the piano and partly with the iPad app called Piano Maestro. This app teaches note reading, rhythm, and correct fingering, all using real background music. The students progress through a "Journey" and their progress is reported back to me. If you would like to use this app at home, it is free with their school account. Please email me for login information.

Grades 5-8 are starting a Garage Band project as well as planning our June concert. The Garage Band project is from the perspective of an advertising agencies creating short radio spots in GarageBand as advertisements for books. The students choose a book they love and create a short commercial within several guidelines. We hope to progress to a television commercial after the audio commercials are created.

Dates to remember:

April 29 at 6:00 p.m.- A Night of the Arts
June 10 at 6:30 p.m.- The PRIS Factor: an end-of-year variety show

In library class, Pre-K students started learning about honesty by focusing on trust. Students read Butterfingers to understand what carelessness can do to trust. Kindergarten and up had a technology week, with the younger students using the iPads to find books and the older students using Destiny Quest to make book recommendations to each other.

Stay tuned for more from our PRIS Students and don't forget to check out the library and music YouTube page (and subscribe)!

PRIS Music & Library YouTube Page

Note: Comments are moderated and for privacy reasons, cannot include students' names. Please direct specific inquiries via email.

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