The kids are all learning new songs and the Holiday Concert video is not quite ready, so this week, we'll start with pictures from our first week of blocking rehearsals for Annie, Jr. "Blocking" is when the director tells the actors where to go and when, along with acting notes and entrances/exits. The actors and stage managers meticulously write down this information as it has to memorized just like lines.
In library, our Pre-K class, combined 3 and 4-year-olds, participated in read-aloud, check-out, and independent reading in small groups. The assistants did a wonderful job with their groups, which were scattered around the library.
Grades 3 & 4 spent some extra time browsing the nonfiction and biographies sections of the library. With the last five minutes of class, they read independently and in groups.
During music class, the Pre-Kers were introduced to the Biscuit Brothers to start learning about instruments of the orchestra. We will start our piano unit once the classes are separated, again. Students also enjoyed singing one of their favorite songs from before break, Grizzly Bear.
Grades KG-2 learned two new songs this week and I think we have a new class favorite, I've a Pair of Fishes, for which they will write their own verses next week. Students also learned about the four instrument families, hearing, reading about, and seeing pictures of instruments within those families. Next week, they will watch video clips of the instruments being played. The KG-1 class had a little extra time, so they tried out some Just Dance videos from the YouTube playlist.
Middle School students are getting ready to start Garage Band projects, once everyone is updated to the same version of Garage Band. For these projects, students will compose a spoken word piece including hooks, loops, background vocals, and all instrumentation.
Stay tuned for more from our PRIS Students and don't forget to check out the library and music YouTube page (and subscribe)!
PRIS Music & Library YouTube Page
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