Thursday, October 29, 2015

Spooky Stories & Songs

Drama Workshop for Grades 3-8 is just around the corner. This is perfect to help students learn new drama skills in preparation for auditions. The workshop will be lead by Ms. Megan & Ibu Putri, drama teacher at Harapan Bangsa Primary School. Students from both schools can attend in the PRIS Library on Saturday, November 7 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Let us know you are coming by signing-up on this Google Form. Snacks will be provided.

Musical auditions are coming up! Students in Grades 3-8 received their audition packets this week and are so excited for their auditions. Copies of the packet, including songs and monologues, can be found on the Audition Google Drive Folder. The songs can also be found in the Audition YouTube Playlist. All students must audition as part of their music grade but are not required to accept a part that will require an ASA commitment. Auditions are on November 24, during and after school.

This week we have two Week-in-Review videos for you. First, a look at some of our Spooky Stories and next, some of our favorite dances to Spooky Songs.

In library, all classes read "spooky stories" (which usually turned into hilariously funny stories). Some of our favorites are The Ghost With One Black Eye, The Vinder Viper, Ruby Red Lips, and The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. Special thanks to Ms. Liest, Ms. Idah, and Ms. Desta for the amazing decorations!

In music, students listened to famous "spooky songs", including Danse Macabre and The Sorcerer's Apprentice. We also performed Just Dances to some of our favorites: Ghostbusters, This is Halloween, I Will Survive, and The Time Warp. Grades 3-8 also finished watching The Wizard of Oz in preparation for their auditions in one month.


Below are the PRIS Music & Drama performances for this school year. We hope that in releasing these dates ahead of time, all students will be here and available for the performances:

Tuesday, November 24Wizard of Oz Auditions (Grades 3-8)

Thursday, December 10- Holiday Concert (all students)

Thursday, March 10 & Friday, March 11- Spring Musical- "The Wizard of Oz" (all students in grades 3-8)

Wednesday, April 20- PRIS Evening of the Arts (all students' art, grades PreK-2 performance)

Wednesday, June 1- The PRIS Factor (all students)

Look for more posts, videos, recordings, and resources on the blog and PRIS Music & Library YouTube page (and subscribe!) and feel free to share with families. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

It's Great to be Back!

A special thanks to Ms. Liest who worked with the kids this week on Tuesday. I was absent to spend time with my mother and Liest stepped in brilliantly!

It's been a wonderful week back! The students are hard at work, starting preparations for the Holiday Concert, working on instruments, and getting ready for Wizard of Oz Auditions.

The students also prepared a thank-you video for AIS. It was filmed right before we left for the holidays.

A Drama Workshop for Grades 3-8 is just around the corner. This is perfect to help students learn new drama skills in preparation for auditions. The workshop will be lead by Ms. Megan & Ibu Putri, drama teacher at Harapan Bangsa Primary School. Students from both schools can attend in the PRIS Library on Saturday, November 7 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Let us know you are coming by signing-up on this Google Form. Snacks will be provided.

Musical auditions are coming up! Students in Grades 3-8 received their audition packets this week and are so excited for their auditions. Copies of the packet, including songs and monologues, can be found on the Audition Google Drive Folder. The songs can also be found in the Audition YouTube Playlist. All students must audition as part of their music grade but are not required to accept a part that will require an ASA commitment. Auditions are on November 24, during and after school.

Students are working hard to help author, Nick Fisherman, with his story about Captain PRIS and Little Suzie. Look for a final copy, soon, as the students make suggestions for the ending. The Middle School stepped in to help shelve books this week while Ibu Yanti is away. They did an incredible job!

Pre-K and Kindergarten began working on their songs for the Holiday Concert, this week. They are also exploring instruments further, settling on which instruments they can play at the concert. Grade 1/2 is working on a project with the song Tingalayo, which you saw in the Week-in-Review video. Grades 3-8 are learning all about the audition process for Wizard of Oz.

Below are the PRIS Music & Drama performances for this school year. We hope that in releasing these dates ahead of time, all students will be here and available for the performances:

Tuesday, November 24- Wizard of Oz Auditions (Grades 3-8)

Thursday, December 10- Holiday Concert (all students)

Thursday, March 10 & Friday, March 11- Spring Musical- "The Wizard of Oz" (all students in grades 3-8)

Wednesday, April 20- PRIS Evening of the Arts (all students' art, grades PreK-2 performance)

Wednesday, June 1- The PRIS Factor (all students)

Look for more posts, videos, recordings, and resources on the blog and PRIS Music & Library YouTube page (and subscribe!) and feel free to share with families. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram.