Thursday, August 27, 2015

A lot to Share

It's been an exciting week in music! We have FOUR videos to share this week.

The first is a beautiful premier performance from our Choir (Grades 3-8) of "Hello to All the Children of the World". We encourage all members of our community to learn this song.

The second video has performance pieces from the Grade 1-2 Class. They are performing "Hey, Children" as a team-building and self-expression activity. The students came up with their actions in a group (ABAC form) and then individual actions for their own names. After practice, they noted the critiqued a video of their first "practice" and then these videos, after more time together.

The third is a week-in-review with a couple of short clips of class activities throughout the week.

And the last is a dance compilation of all our amazing dancers enjoying summer's biggest dance craze, the "nae-nae".

Here are some pictures of the above activities as well. Pre-K and Kindergarten students also got to try their hands at the drums and tambourines!

In library, students had their first week of check-out. They learned about browsing, appropriate book-care, and how to use the library scanner.


Below are the PRIS Music & Drama performances for this school year. We hope that in releasing these dates ahead of time, all students will be here and available for the performances:

Thursday, December 10- Holiday Concert (all students)

Thursday, March 10 & Friday, March 11- Spring Musical- "The Wizard of Oz" (all students in grades 3-8)

Wednesday, April 20- PRIS Evening of the Arts (all students' art, grades PreK-2 performance)

Wednesday, June 1- The PRIS Factor (all students)

Look for more posts, videos, recordings, and resources on the blog and PRIS Music & Library YouTube page (and subscribe!) and feel free to share with families. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram.