The puppets help them ease their way into singing with others.
Our second video is from combined Grades K, 1 and 2, singing the playground song, "Pizza, Pizza Daddy-O", including two talented soloists!
And finally, the Middle School has been learning about the history of the song, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". Their listening journal this week was about copyright issues surrounding that song. We did a quick experiment with Garage Band to see if we could quickly and easily record a song (quite different than in the "old" days). In about 10 minutes, we recorded each background track separately (3 tracks), looped them to 45 seconds and then recorded over the background tracks with the melody. All the voices you hear are the middle school singers, either recorded or live.
We hope to enhance the quality by using headphones to avoid feedback and practicing the song more to improve the singing element.
Grades 3/4 started recorder this week, preparing for performances on the Winter Concert in December. The following video will give students new to the instrument an introduction:
Recorder Basics (Grades 3/4 Playlist)
Students who own a recorder at home will have on assigned to them at school, as well. They do not need to bring their home recorder to school. Students who do not own a recorder can take their school recorder home, but need to remember to bring it back on Tuesdays and Fridays for music. Recorders are available for purchase at Gramedia in Balikpapan Plaza.
Pre-K 4 is working on a new song that we hope to record next week. They can practice it home here:
A Ram Sam Sam (PreK Playlist)
The young students also enjoy dancing at the end of class.
Grade 2 has started work on bells in hopes of making their composition into a tonal composition with lyrics. First, we have to understand notes and tones (including letters and numbers associated with those).
In library, we celebrated the International Day of Peace by making it a week-long celebration. We read the book "Can You Say Peace", a book published by the United Nations several years ago specific for this celebration. The book teaches us how to say "peace" in different languages.
Can You Say Peace? Read-aloud
The grade 3/4 class also found each country in the book on a globe and estimated the time it would take to get there by plane. It was great because students had lived in several of the countries we mentioned.
Stay tuned for more from our PRIS Students and don't forget to check out the library and music YouTube page (and subscribe)!
PRIS Music & Library YouTube Page
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